Immigration Matters


America is a nation of immigrants. Never mind present day challenges; America is still the land of the free and land of opportunities. You are Welcome.

9/11 has changed the face of American Immigration as we know it. This unprecedented attack on U.S. sovereignty and psyche resulted in legislation like the Patriot Act, Homeland Security Act, which have significant impact on Immigration. Prior to 9/11, Congress enacted legislation that severely restricted the rights of immigrants while limiting legal immigration and discouraging undocumented aliens. For the most part, the future of immigration is uncertain. What we are sure of is that the issue of immigration will continue to generate heated political passions in the foreseeable future. Yet, every year, thousands or millions of people world over contemplate emigrating to the United States, some for political reasons, others for economic, social or family reasons. While the decision to emigrate is not easy, considerable anxieties are invited when people leave behind the familiar ancestral homes, friends, associates and pieces of mosaic that formed their daily life. These anxieties become further complicated when arriving immigrant face problems of adjusting their status, extending visas, seeking asylum, finding a job or even hospital treatment.

At the Law Offices of Nnaka & Co., Chartered, we have first generation Immigrant Lawyers who understand immigration law and the problems of immigrants no matter what country they come from. Through years of experience, we have made record successes in helping immigrants and visitors in the following areas:

  • Visa Processing & Applications
  • Employment Visas; H-1; Labor Certification, etc.
  • Adjustment of Status – Green Card
  • Change of Status; Students, Visitors
  • Removal/ Deportation
  • Citizenship
  • Investor Visa

We are ready to assist you anytime. Call or e-mail us at your earliest convenience.